Friday, September 9, 2011

Buying your first guitar

If you are going to buy a guitar for the first time, you should spend from $100.00 to $500.00 depending on style, and genre you are interested in. Refrain from buying First Act guitars from Wal-Mart. They are really low quality, and can't carry a tone in a bucket. Brands that you want to buy, are Gibson, Fender, Scecter, Takamine, Jackson, Paul Reed Smith. If you can afford it, these brands are some of the best around. Statocastors for Rock, Telecasters for Jazz, and blues. If you want a good all round guitar with great tone, and playability, you must get a Les Paul. You can buy one that doesn't say Gibson, but if you can get one for $400.00 at a good store. Avoid pawn shops, unless you know what you are doing. Avoid all off brand guitars if you can. Get a history of what you buy, and use Ernie Ball strings for all your electric guitars.